Lawyers to seek Berlusconi sex trial

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 9.2.11
Publication Date 09/02/2011
Content Type

Prosecutors investigating Silvio Berlusconi’s relationship with an alleged underage prostitute intended to submit a request for his immediate trial to a Milan judge on the 9 February 2011, raising the prospect of Italy’s prime minister facing multiple court cases within weeks.

Should the Milan judge agree to the prosecutors’ request to proceed without a preliminary hearing, then Mr Berlusconi could face three trials in close succession following decisions by Milan courts to resume two separate cases against him on charges of tax fraud and corrupting his former UK lawyer, David Mills, to give false testimony.

Mr Berlusconi denied wrongdoing in all the cases and accused 'communists' within the judiciary of waging a witch hunt to topple him.

Related Links
BBC News, 9.2.11: Silvio Berlusconi condemns 'disgusting' prosecutors
Deutsche Welle, 9.2.11: Berlusconi says sex probe against him is 'disgusting',,14829376,00.html
Corriere della Sera, 9.2.11: Parties, Sex and Texts – Tommasi’s Role
ESO: Background information: Thousands protest against Berlusconi

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