Launch of two new projects to increase independent news production around EU affairs

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 29/03/2017
Content Type

It was announced in March 2017 by the European Commission that following an open Call for Proposals in 2016, two media consortia would receive support to inform Europeans on EU affairs from a pan-European point of view i.e. showing more than only a national perspective, by making innovative use of data-driven techniques. Support would be given for the production and dissemination of information and content, while respecting complete editorial independence.

The two new services would be:

+ European Data News Hub (from June 2017)
+ European Data Journalism Network (from October 2017)

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Related Links
EurActiv, 06.04.17: News agencies join forces for EU data journalism site
VoxEurop, 31.03.17: Data journalism. A new network for European data-driven news
VoxEurop, 25.08.17: Data journalism. A new tool for understanding Europe
Website: European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet)

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