Kinnock calls for ban on stoning

Series Title
Series Details Vol.9, No.31, 25.9.03, p4
Publication Date 25/09/2003
Content Type


THE Nigerian government is being urged to ban Sharia courts from handing down barbaric death-by-stoning judgements.

The call, by UK Socialist MEP Glenys Kinnock, comes as an Islamic court in the northern state of Katsina was today (25 September) due to rule on the appeal by Amina Lawal - convicted 18 months ago of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning.

Twelve states in northern Nigeria have introduced Sharia punishments, including amputation and flogging, in the last three years. Five people have been sentenced to death by stoning, but the sentences have not yet been carried out.

Kinnock said: "It is utterly appalling that this sentence still hangs over this poor woman.

"The penal legislation of the Sharia courts must be brought into line with the Nigerian constitution - which is bound by international human rights agreements."

Kinnock added: "The president of Nigeria has said he can never imagine a Nigerian being stoned to death.

"Why then does he not act to make this penalty illegal?"

MEP Glenys Kinnock has urged the Nigerian Government to ban Sharia courts from handing down death-by-stoning judgments.

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