Judgment in Case C-214/16 Conley King v The Sash Window Workshop Ltd and Richard Dollar

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.126, 2017 (29.11.17)
Publication Date 29/11/2017
Content Type

In the judgment in Case C-214/16 Conley King v The Sash Window Workshop Ltd and Richard Dollar given on the 26 November 2017 the ECJ said that A worker must be able to carry over and accumulate unexercised rights to paid annual leave when an employer does not put that worker in a position in which he is
able to exercise his right to paid annual leave.

EU law precludes the requirement that a worker must take leave before establishing whether he has the right to be paid in respect of that leave.

Source Link https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2017-11/cp170126en.pdf
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Blog: EU law Analysis, 29.01.18: Does EU law protect gig economy workers? Tensions in the CJEU’s case law http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2018/01/does-eu-law-protect-gig-economy-workers.html
BBC News, 29.11.17: Court backs salesman's claim for 13 years of holiday pay http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-42164201
The Independent, 29.11.17: European Court ruling 'shows how Brexit will be a disaster for workers' rights' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-workers-rights-european-court-of-justice-ruling-conley-king-ecj-gig-economy-eu-a8082801.html

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