Journal of Common Market Studies, September Issue Supplement

Series Title
Series Details Vol.54, Supp.1, September 2016, p8-224
Publication Date September 2016
ISSN 0021-9886
Content Type

The contents of the Supplement to the September Issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies are:

+ From EU Governance of Crisis to Crisis of EU Governance: Regulatory Failure, Redistributive Conflict and Eurosceptic Publics
Tanja A. Börzel

+ The Politicization of European Integration
Hanspeter Kriesi

+ Conditionality, Democracy and Institutional Weakness: the Euro-crisis Trilemma
Kevin Featherstone

+ Beelines, Bypasses and Blind Alleys: Theory and the Study of the European Union
Tim Haughton

+ The 2015 Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Daunis Auers and Toms Rostoks

+ Luxembourg's EU Council Presidency: Adapting Routines to New Circumstances
Anna-Lena Högenauer

+ Governance and Institutions: A More Political Commission
Desmond Dinan

+ Eurozone Crisis Management, Citizenship Rights and the Global Reach of EU Data Protection Law: EU Legal Developments in 2015
Thomas Horsley

+ Justice and Home Affairs
Jörg Monar

+ Eurozone Governance: From the Greek Drama of 2015 to the Five Presidents’ Report
Dermot Hodson

+ Rising Hopes in the European Economy Amidst Global Uncertainties
István Benczes and Balázs Szent-Iványi

+ The Political Economy of European Capital Markets Union
Lucia Quaglia, David Howarth and Moritz Liebe

+ Europe as a Global Actor: Searching for a New Strategic Approach
Karolina Pomorska and Sophie Vanhoonacker

+ Chronology: The European Union in 2015
Charlotte Galpin

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