Publisher | European Union |
Publication Date | 16/06/2014 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
Summary: Agreement signed between the European Commission and authorities from South Korea on cooperation relating to network technologies, including 5G networks, cloud computing the Internet of Things (IoT). Further information: The agreement includes the provision of deeper discussions in the area of Net Futures (network and communications, 5G and cloud computing). Both sides also agreed to work towards a coordinated call for research project proposals. An industry memorandum of understanding would also be signed between the EU's 5G Infrastructure Association and South Korea's 5G Forum. The two sides reaffirmed to strengthen the agreement reached at the 2013 bilateral summit, where both sides agreed on promoting R&D collaboration in the area of ICT. As a follow up, both sides decided to set up a Korea-EU ICT working group to prepare for ICT R&D cooperation as well as relevant policy discussions in the areas of 5G, Cloud and Internet of Things (IoT), and eventually to launch jointly funded R&D programs. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry, Culture, Education and Research |
Subject Tags | Telecommunications |
Keywords | 5G Networks |
Countries / Regions | South Korea |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |