John Major: Murdoch asked us to change our Europe policy

Series Title
Series Details 13.6.12
Publication Date 13/06/2012
Content Type

EurActiv reported that former Prime Minister John Major told an inquiry into the relationship between the press and British politicians, on 12 June 2012, that media mogul Rupert Murdoch sought to influence UK policy on Europe – and wanted a referendum on EU membership.

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Related Links
The Leveson Inquiry: Transcript of Morning Hearing 12 June 2012
The Independent, 13.6.12: Rupert Murdoch did try to dictate government policy on EU, says Sir John Major
Public Service, 13.6.12: Just why does Rupert Murdoch dislike Europe so much?
BBC News, 12.6.12: Leveson Inquiry: John Major reveals Murdoch's EU demand

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