Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Creating more employment in Europe. Report of the Employment Taskforce chaired by Wim Kok, November 2003

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date November 2003
ISBN 92-894-6911-0
EC KE-57-03-265-EN-C
Content Type


The European Union is at risk of failing in its ambitious goal, set at Lisbon in 2000, of becoming by 2010 the most competitive and dynamic, knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.

Unless the Member States step up their efforts, it is looking increasingly unlikely that the overarching goal for 2010, and the employment objectives, will be attainable. The new Member States are also called on to undertake proportionate action.

Despite the structural improvements achieved in a number of Member States and the rise in employment from the mid-1990s to 2002, it is clear that, overall, Europe has a large gap to bridge to achieve the employment objectives set at Lisbon. Moreover, with the economic slowdown, unemployment has increased, reaching high levels in a number of Member States.

In responding to the slowdown, Europe should not lose sight of the wider, longer-term challenges it is facing. Globalisation and economic integration are increasingly affecting the way Europeans live and work and demanding for rapid response to, and management of, change. The rapid ageing of the population is calling into question Europe's ability to remain competitive and achieve higher employment and economic growth in the future.

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Related Links
Politico, 24/09/2003 : Chambers of commerce issue jobs plan
Politico, 26/11/2003: LinkedIn Email Print Faster reforms needed to meet Union’s 2010 goals on employment

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International Organisations