Japanese cultural values in business relationships

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Series Title
Series Details No.29/2015 (12.06.15)
Publication Date 12/06/2015
Content Type

The Elcano Royal Institute is a think-tank for international and strategic studies that analyses world events and trends from a Spanish, European and global perspective.

The Analyses of the Elcano Royal Institute (ARI)are short pieces - of around 3,000 words - on aspects of current international affairs considered to be of relevance to Spain, its foreign policy or its security. In broad terms ARIs are intended to have a predictive bearing on events.Spanish-Japanese business relationships are not as good as they could be although they have improved in recent years. However, as a result of the specific features of its society and economy, Japan continues to be a country where doing business is often challenging. The traditional values and traits that have guided the Japanese people over the centuries remain in the way in which most of adult people act in public. Dealing effectively with Japanese business people continues to require an in-depth knowledge of the meaning of certain acts reflecting their underlying cultural values and social customs.

The object of this analysis is both to look at the effect of Japanese cultural values on building and maintaining business relationships and to emphasise the importance of understanding cultural values to conduct business successfully in Japan.

Source Link http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/4df8630048b79d489fcb9fc2d8a74536/ARI29-2015-Garcia-Japanese-cultural-values-business-relationships.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=4df8630048b79d489fcb9fc2d8a74536
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