Italian opposition leader quits

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 18.2.09
Publication Date 18/02/2009
Content Type

Walter Veltroni resigned on the 17 February 2009 as leader of Italy’s opposition Democratic Party (PD) after a series of corruption scandals and electoral defeats that have strengthened the ruling centre-right coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi, the Prime Minister.

Dario Franceschini, was elected on the 21 February 2009 to head the Democratic Party.

Related Links
ANSA, 18.2.09: Veltroni steps down with apology
France24, 21.2.09: Italy's left gets new leader
ANSA, 17.2.09: Centre-Left opposition leader quits
BBC News, 17.2.09: Italian opposition leader resigns
France24, 17.2.09: Left-wing leader Veltroni resigns after Sardinia election upset

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