Investing in well being at work. Addressing psychosocial risks in times of change

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2010
ISBN 978-92-79-17093-5
EC KE-31-10-620-EN-C
Content Type


As part of the EU’s employment and social solidarity programme, PROGRESS, this publication “Investing in well-being at work” looks at the psychosocial risks in time of change. There is a growing body of evidence of the potential negative effects that restructuring has on the health of workers and their families. Uncertainty and job insecurity also represent an important link between restructuring programmes and effects on employees’ health (depression, absenteeism, difficulty sleeping ...). This leaflet highlights some of the central issues associated with organizational change, restructuring, health and well-being, and explains what can be done to prepare organizations and people more effectively for major changes.

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International Organisations