International Health Regulations (2005). A guide for public health emergency contingency planning at designated points of entry

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-890-5086-9
Content Type

This guide was designed to assist WHO Member States, both large and small, to bridge the gap between the legal requirements of the International Health Regulations (IHR), and the pragmatic readiness and response capacity for public health emergencies at designated points of entry. It provides a recommended approach, structure and logical set of considerations for the national health authorities responsible for points of entry, to use in guiding local health officers and emergency planners to develop contingency plans for public health emergencies at designated points of entry. This guide primarily targets the national authorities, since they are responsible for driving IHR compliance related to points of entry, as well as mentoring, guiding and advocating the development of robust contingency plans. Other relevant authorities can also use the guide as a reference document.

Source Link
Related Links
Chatham House: Expert Comment, 20.05.16: Online Data Offer Hope of Speedier Responses to International Health Emergencies

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions