Industrial relations developments in Europe 2009

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2010
ISBN 978-92-897-0867-8
ISSN 1830-7310
EC TJ-AJ-10-001-EN-C
Content Type

This annual review from the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) highlights the most significant developments that took place in industrial relations in the EU Member States and Norway in 2009, both at national and EU level. It first sets out the political context, then goes on to examine levels of coverage of collective bargaining, and trends in bargaining regarding pay, working time and a number of other topics. In addition, this review outlines the year’s main developments in employment legislation, social dialogue, industrial action and company restructuring, and explores the impact of the global economic crisis. A specific thematic chapter examines recent developments in social partner organisations in Europe.

Source Link
Related Links
Eurofound: EIRO: Comparative Studies: Industrial relations developments in Europe 2009
Eurofound: Press Release, 29.6.10: Social partners show strong willingness to adapt to the changing social and economic climate

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions