IEA Scoreboard 2009. 35 Key Energy Trends over 35 Years

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-64-06377-8
Content Type ,

Measuring and assessing how much has been done by member countries over the years to follow their underlying principles is not an easy task. Each country is unique in terms of economy, geography, climate, energy resources, etc. Taking into account some of these specificities, the IEA Scoreboard 2009 compares what has been achieved by member countries in diversifying their energy mix, in promoting non-fossil fuels and energy efficiency, in encouraging research and development, and, more generally, in creating a policy framework consistent with their shared policy goals.

Since the IEA Scoreboard 2009 is published in conjunction with the 35th anniversary of the IEA, 35 themes, ranging from diversification to prices, show how IEA countries have performed in their efforts to attain energy security, environmental protection and economic growth. This book, which combines statistical rigour with easy access and readability, is an ideal resource for anyone who would like to have a quick overview of energy development in IEA member countries over the last 35 years. The publication also includes selected energy-related statistics for over 140 countries, economies and regions in the world.

Note: This OECD publication can be accessed in a 'Browse it' format from the OECD website (i.e. you cannot freely print out or download). To obtain the full text you need to access SourceOECD (or its successor OECD iLibrary) or purchase a paper or electronic version from the OECD Bookshop.

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Countries / Regions