Author (Corporate) | World Health Organisation, Regional Office for Europe |
Publisher | Open University Press, World Health Organisation |
Series Title | European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Series |
Publication Date | 2006 |
ISBN | 0-335-21856-3 |
Content Type | Report, Textbook | Monograph |
Edited by Carl-Ardy Dubois, Martin McKee and Ellen Nolte Human resources are key determinants of health service performance. They are the largest and most expensive input into health care, yet can be the most challenging to develop. This book examines some of these major challenges facing health care professions in Europe and the potential responses to them. The book analyses how the current regulatory processes and practices in the management of the health professions may facilitate or inhibit effective responses to challenges facing health care systems in Europe. The authors document how health care systems in Europe are confronting these challenges and identify the strategies that are likely to optimize the management of health professionals in the future. Human resources for health in Europe is key reading for health policy-makers and postgraduates studying health services management, health policy and health economics. It is also of interest to human resource professionals. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Health |
Countries / Regions | Europe |