Author (Corporate) | VoteWatch Europe |
Publisher | VoteWatch Europe |
Series Title | Blog |
Series Details | 18.01.16 |
Publication Date | 18/01/2016 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog, Report |
The power of each of the political groups in the European Parliament lies in its ability to reach a common position internally, among its various national party delegations, before it starts negotiations with the other groups. Depending on the subject matter, the common position is easier or harder to reach. The level of ‘loyalty’ to the groups’ political line differs by topic and by national delegation. However, some overall trends are visible. The infographics in this blog show the extent in which some national party delegations and individual MEPs vote in line with the position of their group as a whole (which is what we denominate ‘loyalty’). We are showing the top and the bottom values for some of the groups. Note: this is not a value judgment of the behavior of the analysed political entities, i.e. being ‘more loyal’ or ‘more rebel’ (following an individual position more frequently) should not be interpreted as one delegation behaving ‘better’ or ‘less well’ than the other. The purpose of this analysis is to provide an insight into the dynamics of the European Parliament decision-making process. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |