HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2011

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Title
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-9193-408-9
ISSN 1831-9483
EC TQ-AL-12-001-EN-C
Content Type ,

The data for 2011 show that more than 121,000 new HIV cases were reported in the WHO European Region, with more than 28,000 new infections in the European Union and the European Economic Area (EU/EEA) – suggesting that it is vital to sustain HIV interventions, even in times of economic austerity, in order to curb the on-going HIV transmission across Europe.

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Related Links
ECDC: News, 30.11.12: Investing in HIV prevention essential to curb on-going HIV transmission in Europe
ECDC/Who Regional Office for Europe: Press Release, 30.11.12: Investing in HIV prevention essential to curb on-going HIV transmission in Europe
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