Author (Person) | Saltykov, Boris |
Publisher | French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) |
Series Title | IFRI Policy Papers: Russie.Nei.Visions |
Series Details | Number 29 |
Publication Date | April 2008 |
Content Type | Research Paper |
Summary: Russia's higher education (HE) reform, begun 15 years ago, was intended to provide a response to the challenges of the new post-industrial, high-tech economic development model. During the course of the reform, many of the negative features inherited from the Soviet period (ideologization, complete state-ownership of assets, excessive centralization of decision-making) were overcome. However, many characteristics of the Soviet system have turned out to be highly resilient, right up to today: the separation of science and education, the socio-humanitarian science sector remaining behind the natural and technical sciences, and the gap between the "elitist" and the "mass" segments. In the initial stages, the problems of reform were forced into the background, behind the much more acute problem of survival. The real window of opportunity did not appear until the start of Vladimir Putin's second term as president, when favorable economic (potential to increase budget financing) and political (consolidation of the team of reformers) conditions were created. |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Russia |