Helping cinema to thrive all over the world

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.24 (2004), p10-15
Publication Date 2004
ISSN 1023-3725
Content Type ,

Europe at the international crossroads In terms of revenue and employment levels, the cinema is a major cultural industry. It also generates emotion, dreams and shared experience. To see films produced by other countries is to understand our differences but also what we have in common, to better know one another and perhaps to open up to a greater extent to someone who is already no longer quite a foreigner. To create and export films is to claim identity and make it known to other nations. As part of this programme to support the audiovisual industry and its cooperation action, the EU provides support for the creation and dissemination of the films of Europe and its partners in the rest of the world, while promoting cultural diversity in international forums.

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