Health card set to apply only to ‘necessary care’ operations

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.10, No.20, 3.6.04
Publication Date 03/06/2004
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By Karen Carstens

Date: 03/06/04

A NEW EU-wide health card that aims to slash red tape will not lead to cross-border 'shopping around' for cosmetic surgery or legal abortions, according to officials.

The health card, made available to citizens in 13 member states as of 1 June, applies only to "necessary care" emergencies - such as breaking a leg while on holiday, acute appendicitis or "getting one's insulin nicked while travelling".

"It is only for these kinds of immediate things," said one European Commission official with the employment directorate-general involved in preparations to launch the card.

The idea of what is medically necessary "is up to the judgement of the hospital or doctor" one comes across in a given member state.

Although "there is no 'fixed list' of treatments", the card is unlikely to lead to cross-border 'shopping around'", she added.

The new card is set to replace the old 'E111' forms in a bid to reduce red tape and secure quicker reimbursement for patients from their own social security system after treatment in another country. It aims to make things simpler for patients.

"There is less of a chance that things will get written down wrongly, because someone's handwriting could not be read. There will be fewer mistakes and reimbursement will be easier and quicker," the official said.

The current E111 system will largely remain in place, with hospitals in the state where the individual has been treated being reimbursed by that individual's home social security institution.

Eventually, the card will be issued with an electronic chip to facilitate exchange of information between member states and reduce error, fraud and abuse.

No dates have been proposed for this next phase, however, as this would depend upon "the development of technological systems that allow exchange of information without changes to the architecture of national systems", the Commission said in a statement.

Anyone in a member state with national health insurance cards is now eligible to apply for the new EU card - most countries will issue patients a new card that has the national information on one side and the new EU information on the other.

Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Estonia and Slovenia are expected to introduce the card immediately, while other member states will follow by the end of 2005.

The European Health Insurance Card became available to citizens in 13 Member States on 1 June 2004. The card entitles the carrier to 'necessary care' in an emergency such as breaking a leg while on holiday.

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