Health at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2013
ISBN 978-92-64-20071-5
Content Type

This seventh edition of Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data on different aspects of the performance of health systems in OECD countries. It provides striking evidence of large variations across countries in the costs, activities and results of health systems. Key indicators provide information on health status, the determinants of health, health care activities and health expenditure and financing in OECD countries.

Each indicator in the book is presented in a user friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.

+ Editorial

+ Executive summary

+ Reader’s guide

+ 1. Health Status
- Life expectancy at birth
- Life expectancy by sex and education level
- Mortality from cardiovascular diseases
- Mortality from cancer
- Mortality from transport accidents
- Suicide
- Infant mortality
- Infant health: low birth weight
- Perceived health status
- Diabetes prevalence and incidence

+ 2. Non-Medical Determinants of Health
- Smoking and alcohol consumption among children
- Overweight and obesity among children
- Fruit and vegetable consumption among children
- Physical activity among children
- Tobacco consumption among adults
- Alcohol consumption among adults
- Overweight and obesity among adults
- Fruit and vegetable consumption among adults

+ 3. Health Workforce
- Doctors (overall number)
- Doctors by age, sex and category
- Gynaecologists and obstetricians, and midwives
- Psychiatrists and mental health nurses
- Medical graduates
- Remuneration of doctors (GPs and specialists)
- Nurses
- Nursing graduates
- Remuneration of nurses

+ 4. Health Care Services
- Consultations with doctors
- Medical technologies
- Hospital beds
- Hospital discharges
- Average length of stay in hospitals
- Cardiac procedures
- Hip and knee replacement
- Caesarean sections
- Cataract surgeries
- Pharmaceutical consumption
- Pharmaceutical generic market share

+ 5. Quality of Care
++ Primary care
- Avoidable hospital admissions
- Prescribing in primary care

++ Acute care (for cardiovascular disease)
- Mortality following acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
- Mortality following stroke

++ Patient safety
- Surgical complications
- Obstetric trauma

++ Care for mental disorders
- Unplanned hospital re-admissions for patients with mental disorders
- Excess mortality for mental disorders

++ Cancer care
- Screening, survival and mortality for cervical cancer
- Screening, survival and mortality for breast cancer
- Survival and mortality for colorectal cancer

++ Care for communicable diseases
- Childhood vaccination programme
- Influenza vaccination for elderly people

++ Patient experience
- Patient experience with ambulatory care

+ 6. Access to Care
- Coverage for health care
- Out-of-pocket medical expenditure
- Geographic distribution of doctors
- Inequalities in doctor consultations
- Inequalities in dentist consultations
- Inequalities in cancer screening
- Waiting times for elective surgery

+ 7. Health Expenditure and Financing
- Health expenditure per capita
- Health expenditure in relation to GDP
- Health expenditure by function
- Pharmaceutical expenditure
- Expenditure by disease and age
- Financing of health care
- Trade in health services

+ 8. Ageing and Long-Term Care
- Demographic trends
- Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at age 65
- Self-reported health and disability at age 65
- Dementia prevalence
- Recipients of long-term care
- Informal carers
- Long-term care workers
- Long-term care beds in institutions and hospitals
- Long-term care expenditure

+ Bibliography

+ Annex A. Additional information on demographic and economic context, and health expenditure and financing

Source Link
Related Links
Website: OECD iLibrary
EurActiv, 21.11.13: Health spending fell sharply during crisis: OECD

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions