Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date March 2007
Content Type

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODOC) and the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), in March 2007, adopted a new joint work programme and co-published a set of guidelines for establishing and maintaining a common system to collect treatment demand data. The aim of 'Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand' is to assist countries throughout the world in compiling comparable data on this issue and thereby improve cross-national analysis. The publication is targeted at drug treatment experts throughout the world and is the eighth 'toolkit module' of UNODOC's global assessment programme on drug abuse (GAP). It includes a three-stage model for building the foundations of a treatment demand information system, a core set of standard data items/codes and common definitions of treatment, drug use, treatment centres, clients and units of measurement.

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Related Links
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: Press Release, 14.3.07: EMCDDA and UNODC reinforce partnership and launch treatment demand toolkit

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