Author (Person) | Bomberg, Elizabeth |
Publisher | Routledge |
Series Title | European Public Policy |
Publication Date | 1998 |
ISBN | 0-415-10264-2 (Hbk) |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Book abstract: Green Parties and politics in the European Union: This book explores the transnational goals, strategies and impact of green actors working at the EU level. It begins with an overview of the development of green politics and activists within the EU. The author, drawing on extensive research, field work and interviews with leading green politicians, NGO members, environmental and industrial lobbyists, EU officials and MEPs, argues that the 'greening' of European politics and the advancement of European integration are inextricably linked and that the EU presents a strategic dilemma to green parties. In short, how can Greens reconcile their radical, alternative politics with the EU's incrementalist ethos and traditional practices? This dilemma informs all aspects of the Greens' European policy, their visions of an alternative Europe, their parliamentary and extra-parliamentary strategies, and their impact on European policies and politics. Bomberg, Elizabeth |
Subject Categories | Environment, Politics and International Relations |