Germany calls in British ambassador over spy claims

Series Title
Series Details 06.11.13
Publication Date 06/11/2013
Content Type

Germany asked the British ambassador on the 5 November 2013 to come to the foreign ministry to discuss a newspaper report that a covert spying station was operating in Berlin with hi-tech equipment mounted on the embassy roof.

Documents leaked by former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden showed that Britain's surveillance agency was operating a network of "electronic spy posts" from within a stone's throw of the Bundestag and German chancellor's office.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: United Kingdom of Surveillance
ESO: Background information: Merkel's phone tapped by the US, Germany claims
BBC News, 05.11.13: Germany calls in British ambassador over spy claims
Spiegel Online International, 05.11.13: Et Tu, UK? Anger Grows over British Spying in Berlin

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