Author (Corporate) | Italy: Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 10-11.04.17 |
Publication Date | 10/04/2017 |
Content Type | News |
The annual meeting of foreign ministers of the G7 Group was held in Lucca, Italy on 10-11 April 2017. This meeting focused on issues relating to security and foreign policy across the globe, both physical and in the cyberspace. Ministers focused on the common fight against terrorism, the situation in Libya and Ukraine, and the current worrying developments in North Korea. The event took place in the aftermath of increased tension relating to a strike by the United States against a Syrian airbase, responding to a chemical attack allegedly conducted by the Syrian government against its own citizens in its own territory on the 4 April 2017. The G7 foreign ministers failed to agree on a coordinated call for further targetted sanctions to be imposed against Syria and its key ally Russia. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe, Middle East |