Author (Person) | de Spiegelaere, Stan, Jagodziński, Romuald, Lafuente Hernández, Sara |
Publisher | European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) |
Series Title | ETUI Policy Briefs |
Series Details | 2022.02, Number 2 |
Publication Date | February 2022 |
ISSN | 2031-8782 |
Content Type | Research Paper |
Summary: European Works Councils (EWC) face many limitations in terms of timing and quality of information and consultation. One way of addressing this is through communication with board-level employee representatives. The mere presence of a board-level employee representative is not related to better EWC functioning, but EWC members that communicate with such representatives report more effective EWC functioning. Improving EWC functioning through enhanced cooperation with board-level employee representatives would require (i) strong board-level employee representation (BLER) legislation at national and European Union (EU) level; (ii) specialised training and resources to build communication networks, with the commitment of trade unions; and (iii) provisions securing stable articulation in EWC agreements. |
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Subject Categories | Employment and Social Affairs |
Subject Tags | Industrial Relations |
Keywords | European Works Councils (EWCs) |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |