French farmers refuse to repay €330m

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 4.8.09
Publication Date 04/08/2009
Content Type

French farmers have rejected a demand, August 2009, to repay hundreds of millions of euros in state subsidies that have been ruled illegal by the European Commission. François Lafitte, leader of Fédécom, the fruit and vegetable producers’ union, said paying back the €330m given to farmers between 1992 and 2002 would bankrupt them.

Bruno Le Maire, France’s new agriculture minister, said the cash would have to be repaid as the subsidies violated European law.

Related Links
France24, 4.8.09: Agriculture minister holds urgent meeting over subsidies payback
BBC News, 4.8.09: French press farmers to repay aid
France24, 5.8.09: EU extends deadline for French farmers' subsidy payback
ESO: Background information: The Commission investigates French state aid in the fruit and vegetable sector
France24, 3.8.09: French farmers must pay back 500 million euros in EU subsidies

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