French drop case against Strauss-Kahn

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Series Title
Series Details 14.10.11
Publication Date 14/10/2011
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Article reported that a charge of attempted rape against Dominique Strauss-Kahn brought by a French writer Tristane Banon shortly after a similar case in New York forced him to resign as head of the International Monetary Fund in May 2011 was dropped by a Paris court on the 13 October 2011.

The Paris court said it would not proceed with the case for lack of evidence, although adding in a statement that there were elements 'that could be qualified as sexual assault'. The original allegation in New York had also failed in the US courts during the summer of 2011.

Related Links
BBC News, 13.10.11: Strauss-Kahn sex case: French inquiry dropped
Deutsche Welle, 13.10.11: French prosecutors drop rape investigation against Strauss-Kahn,,15459324,00.html
ESO: Background information: IMF chief Strauss-Kahn charged with attempted rape in New York hotel
France24, 13.10.11: Two Strauss-Kahn sex cases dropped and activists cry foul
ESO: Background information: Poll hopes still seen for Strauss-Kahn / Strauss-Kahn counts political cost of court case
BBC News, 26.3.12: Dominique Strauss-Kahn on formal sex ring investigation
France24, 27.3.12: DSK under investigation in prostitution inquiry
France24, 3.10.12: French prosecutors drop Strauss-Kahn rape charges
BBC News, 2.10.12: Strauss-Kahn rape case dropped by French prosecutors

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