French ‘bossnappers’ release hostages

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 9.4.09
Publication Date 09/04/2009
Content Type

Article reporta that French workers released on the 8 April 2009 four managers of a British manufacturer (Scapa) held hostage for more than 18 hours, in a direct challenge to President Nicolas Sarkozy’s assurances that he would end 'bossnapping'. Mr Sarkozy had denounced the spate of executive hostage-taking and promised legal action against perpetrators.

Related Links
France24, 7.4.09: Almost half of French people sympathise with ‘bossnappings’
The Times, 8.4.09: British managers 'bossnapped' in France
The Guardian, 8.4.09: French workers release 'bossnapped' British bosses
Website: Scapa
BBC News, 8.4.09: French workers release UK bosses

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