Free Movement of Workers and Labour Market Adjustment. Recent Experiences from OECD Countries and the European Union

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-64-17717-8
Content Type

This publication presents recent evidence and analytical work on the impact and future perpectives of demographic trends in the workforce, taking also into account education, skills and geographical mobility. It pays particular attention to the labour mobility patterns generated by the development of free mobility in Europe and simlar developments in other parts of the world.

Table of contents:
Main findings
Part I. The development of free mobility areas
Chapter 1. Free labour mobility areas across OECD countries: an overview
Chapter 2. Free labour mobility and economic shocks: the experience of the crisis
Part II. The labour market impact of free mobility in Europe
Chapter 3. EU enlargement and Ireland’s labour market
Chapter 4. The United Kingdom experience of post-enlargement worker inflows from new EU member countries
Chapter 5. Labour mobility from new EU member countries: the impact on Italy
Chapter 6. Central and Eastern European labour migration to Norway: trends, conditions and challenges
Chapter 7. Labour market impacts of post-accession migration from Poland
Part III. Matching labour supply and demand
Chapter 8. The EU workforce and future international migration
Chapter 9. Exploring conditions for EU growth given a shrinking force
Chapter 10. Changing demographic, educational and migration patterns in new EU member countries
Part IV. Regional experiences beyond the European Union
Chapter 11. Migration and bilateral agreements in the Commonwealth of Independent States
Chapter 12. Governing migration: public goods and private partnerships

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