Framework Programme: Fifth Framework Programme financing agreed

Series Title
Series Details No.1 February
Publication Date February 1999
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Framework Programme:

Fifth Framework Programme financing agreed. The European Parliament and the Council of the EU finally agreed the financing arrangements for the Fifth Framework Programme, 1999-2002 on 17.11.98. The agreement represents, in absolute terms, an increase of 4.61% in comparison with the previous programme. This should now allow the first calls for tender to be at the beginning of 1999. The global budget for the period 1999-2002 should be € 14.960m.
Source: Press Release (Commission), IP/98/1007 (18.11.98); Press Release (Council), PRES/98/377 (18.11.98). See also Official Journal L26, 1.2.99, p1-61 for text of adopted legislation relating to the Fifth Framework Programme.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions