Publisher | Chadwyck-Healey Ltd |
Series Title | European Access |
Series Details | No.5/6 December |
Publication Date | December 1999 |
ISSN | 0264-7362 |
Content Type | Overview |
The Commission is in the process of issuing a substantial number of calls to participate in various strands of the Fifth Framework Programme. All such calls can be accessed on the CORDIS site on the Internet at . Calls are also published in the Official Journal. Recent calls have been issued in the following issues: OJ C200, 15.7.99, p9 Further details: (Call identifier: Growth - dedicated call 7/99: M&T Infrastructure) OJ C224, 6.8.99, p6 Further details: (Call identifier: INCO A5-Emerging economy and industrialised countries ICFP599A5AM01) OJ C278, 1.10.99, p7 Further details: (The IST Programme) OJ C295, 15.10.99, p8 Further details: (Call identifier: Growth - Dedicated call 10/99: M&T Infrastructure) |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |