Foresight of new and emerging risks to occupational safety and health associated with new technologies in green jobs by 2020

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-9191-406-7
ISSN 1831-9343
EC TE-RO-11-001-EN-N
Content Type

This working paper describes the work carried out in Phase 1 of the project ‘Foresight of New and Emerging Risks to Occupational Safety and Health Associated with New Technologies in Green Jobs by 2020’, which was commissioned by the European Risk Obervatorty (ERO), and which commenced in January 2010. The report serves as an interim report to the whole project, which has three phases.

Source Link
Related Links
EU-OSHA: Foresight of new and emerging risks to occupational safety and health associated with new technologies in green jobs by 2020: Phase II - key techologies
EU-OSHA: Resources for foresight-green-jobs report: Project overview

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