Food Safety Situation in Ireland and Overview of the Directorate for Health and Food Audits and Analysis, DG SANTE

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details March 2018
Publication Date March 2018
ISBN 978-92-846-2719-6
Content Type

Please note: Each EPRS Study is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier), which is a safe and long term way of ensuring a hyperlink to the full text of this report. However, when ESO creates this record, on occasion the DOI still has not been activated by the EU Bookshop. If you find the source url hyperlink does not work please use the alternative location hyperlink listed as a related url.This study was prepared for Policy Department A at the request of the Environmental, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee of the European Parliament, and updated ane earlier 2016 briefing. It provided an overview of the food safety situation in Ireland. It outlined the Irish food and drink industry, the structure and organisation of the food safety and control system involved in food safety in Ireland and a description of current food safety issues in Ireland.

An overview of the structure and competencies of the Directorate for Health and Food Audits and Analysis, DG SANTE (formerly European Food and Veterinary Office) based in Ireland was also provided.

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European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: Study, March 2018: Food Safety Situation in Ireland and Overview of the Directorate for Health and Food Audits and Analysis, DG SANTE

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