Author (Person) | Hudson, Grace |
Publisher | European Information Association |
Series Title | Focus Guides |
Publication Date | March 2003 |
ISBN | 0-948272-86-4 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Book abstract: The European Information Association (EIA), whose aim is to develop, co-ordinate and improve access to EU information, has recently added a new series to its publications list. The 'Focus Guides' series follows on from the EIA's quick reference guides by providing a concise overview of a specific policy area. Each guide takes the form of a small A5 pamphlet providing background to the specific policy area and a brief analysis of the current issues. There is also a useful section, entitled 'Where to Search' which points the reader in the direction of further online information about the policy. At £10 for non-members and £7.50 for EIA Members for a limited amount of information, it is the latter who will benefit most from these guides since all the URLs contained in the guides are available as live links from the Members' Area of the EIA's website. To date, research and development, employment, and the enlargement of the European Union are all the subject of individual Focus Guides with the EIA promising further guides on the euro, financial services and the environment in Autumn 2003. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |