Author (Person) | Drea, Eoin |
Publisher | Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies |
Publication Date | 15/12/2014 |
Content Type | Report |
The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (previously the Centre for European Studies) was established in 2007 as the political foundation and official think tank of the European People’s Party (EPP).President Putin’s decision to cancel work on the South Stream pipeline in November 2014 may have far-reaching consequences regarding the development of a single energy market within the EU. Although European Commission President Juncker (and Bulgarian Prime Minister Borissov) have publicly stated that South Stream remains a potentially viable project, its de facto mothballing by Russia provides the EU with an opportunity to develop alternative energy scenarios in south east Europe. These are scenarios which would improve both the diversity and security of the EU’s energy supply. There are five key reasons why the end of the South Stream pipeline should mark the beginning of moves towards an energy union in the EU: |
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Subject Categories | Energy |
Countries / Regions | Europe |