Fischler to lose out in mad cow shake-up

Series Title
Series Details 16/01/97, Volume 3, Number 02
Publication Date 16/01/1997
Content Type

Date: 16/01/1997

By Michael Mann

JACQUES Santer is looking to a shift in responsibilities within the European Commission to head off the threat of a vote of no confidence by MEPs.

The Commission president's initiative came in response to stinging criticisms from the European Parliament's committee of inquiry on BSE.

Although the committee's report fell short of calling for a censure vote, its more radical members have demanded tough action unless the Commission radically changes its ways.

The main loser from Santer's proposed changes would be Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler, who would lose control over scientific committees dealing with food health to Consumer Affairs Commissioner Emma Bonino.

Santer told the committee yesterday (15 January) that Bonino's Directorate-General for consumer affairs (DGXXIV) should be given control over the new Irish-based Veterinary Inspection Office, at least until EU governments have agreed what status it should enjoy.

Member states are continuing to resist Commission plans to make the body an independent, self-financing EU agency.

Faced with this, Santer will ask his colleagues to back changes which are fully within the Commission's powers, by moving responsibility for food health out of the control of farm officials.

Although Santer sought out the views of the four Commissioners currently concerned with food and health issues Fischler, Bonino, Industry Commissioner Martin Bangemann and Health Commissioner Pádraig Flynn before announcing the move, the proposals are far from cut and dried. Senior advisers to other Commissioners claimed to be still in the dark as the president made his statement.

Despite the hype over the possibility of a US-style Food and Drug Administration, and Santer's apparent support for such an idea, the president acknowledged that member states would be unwilling to accept such an idea in the age of subsidiarity.

Some commentators remain unconvinced that his proposals will make much practical difference beyond sending out the correct signals. “Everyone has become very aware of food safety. But DGXXIV will be operating under the same legislation, under much the same pressures, and I am not sure its consciousness will be any higher than that of DGVI (agriculture). But I suppose it would be optically better,” said a member state official.

Under Santer's proposals, bodies such as the Scientific Veterinary Committee would be moved out of the control of DGVI, and efforts would be made to make them function in a more accountable manner.

One of the Parliament's major complaints has been that farming interests have remained dominant in determining policies with a major impact on public health.

Stressing his concern to improve Commission surveillance of member state controls, Santer made it clear that MEPs would have to make additional funding available to achieve significant improvements.

The parliamentary committee will finalise its report on 6 February, and decide whether to take legal action against the UK for refusing to send Farm Minister Douglas Hogg to testify. “It is not just a case of Hogg, but the future of all committees of inquiry,” said chairman Reimer Böge.

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