Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Economic and Financial Affairs |
Series Details | COM (2023) 141 |
Publication Date | 08/03/2023 |
Summary:Communication adopted by the European Commission on 8 March 2023, providing Member States with guidance on the conduct and coordination of fiscal policy in 2024. Further information:Despite gradual improvements in the last months, the outlook for the European economy still faces headwinds and uncertainty. In this context, the European Commission urges fiscal policies to focus on ensuring medium-term debt sustainability as well as raising potential growth in a sustainable manner for the period 2023-2024. In November 2022, the Commission adopted orientations for a reform of the European Union's (EU) economic governance framework, after discussions were originally launched in February 2020. While a return to the sole implementation of the existing framework would fail to acknowledge different circumstances in the aftermath of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, a new legal framework is not yet in place. This transitory phase requires guidance for EU Member States on the conduct and coordination of fiscal policy that take into account the challenges facing public finances and the discussions on the future economic governance framework. This guidance seeks to inform the preparation of Stability and Convergence Programmes in which Member States of the European Union (EU) lay out their medium-term fiscal-structural plans. The Communication was adopted by the Commission on 8 March 2023. On 13 March, the Eurogroup exchange views on fiscal policy guidance for 2024 based on this Communication. |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |
Subject Tags | Economic Governance | Situation, Fiscal Policy, National Budgets |
Keywords | Stability and Growth Pact [SGP] |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |