Financial Education for Youth: The Role of Schools

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 11/04/2014
ISBN 978-92-64-17481-8 (print)
Content Type

The importance of financial literacy and specifically the need to promote financial education has been recognised as an important contributor to improved financial inclusion and individuals’ financial well-being as well as a support to financial stability. The relevance of financial education policies is acknowledged at the highest global policy level: in 2012, G20 Leaders endorsed the OECD/INFE High-level Principles on National Strategies for Financial Education that specifically identify youth as one of the priority targets of government policies in this domain. That same year, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers of Finance identified financial literacy as a critical life skill.

The publication addresses the challenges linked to the introduction of financial education in schools, and provides practical guidance and case studies, and a comparative analysis of existing learning frameworks for financial education in the formal school system.


+ Executive summary

+ Chapter 1. The importance of financial education for youth
-The importance of financial literacy for individuals
-Benefits of financial literacy
-Financial education for youth and in schools

+ Chapter 2. Implementing financial education in schools
-Strategies to promote and influence political willingness
-Effective approaches for the introduction of financial education into school curricula
-Tools to support the introduction of financial education in schools
-Training the teachers
-Resources and pedagogic materials
-Ways to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of programmes
-Role of private financing: importance and challenges
-Evaluation of financial education programmes

+ Chapter 3. Comparing selected financial education learning frameworks
-Scope and definition
-History of the development of existing frameworks
-Comparative analysis of content and pedagogical features
-Existing financial education learning frameworks
-Appendix 3.A1. Comparison of financial education learning frameworks in selected countries
-Appendix 3.A2. Japan: Contents of financial education by age group
-Appendix 3.A3. The Netherlands: Learning targets
-Appendix 3.A4. New Zealand: Financial capability progressions

+ Annex A. INFE Guidelines for Financial Education in Schools

Source Link
Related Links
Website: OECD iLibrary

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