Figures for the future – 20 years of sustainable development in Europe? A guide for citizens. 2012 edition

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-79-23873-4
EC KS-32-12-152-EN-C
Content Type

‘Figures for the future’ is a guide to the EU sustainable development indicators (SDIs) and the trends they show. It communicates statistical figures as seen through the eyes of fictional 17-year-old student Anne. Anne aims to find answers to many questions that relate to our everyday life and our future. She has the task of informing fellow students from around the world about whether Europe has moved towards sustainable development over the past 20 years. She turns to the EU SDIs provided by Eurostat, trying to give sense and meaning to a multitude of data. She illustrates statistics by linking the topics to an important day in her life. Students from around the world add their points of view to the European perspective. This publication is released to mark the 20th anniversary of the original Earth Summit.

Source Link
Related Links
Eurostat: Statistical Books: Figures for the future - 20 years of sustainable development in Europe? A guide for citizens
Eurostat: News Release No.93, 2012: An innovative publication and four videos telling stories about sustainable development statistics
Eurostat: Sustainable development indicators: Rio+20

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions