Far-right shuns extra security in wake of Fortuyn murder

Author (Person) ,
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Series Details Vol.8, No.18, 8.5.02, p1
Publication Date 08/05/2002
Content Type

Date: 08/05/02

By Martin Banks and David Cronin

FRENCH National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen will take no extra security precautions when he attends next week's European Parliament session in Strasbourg - despite Monday's assassination of Dutch right-wing politician Pim Fortuyn.

Le Pen - heavily defeated in the French presidential election - had special police protection during the campaign but that has now been withdrawn.

His spokesman said Le Pen would take only his usual personal bodyguard to Strasbourg.

Other far-right MEPs said they too would not be taking any additional precautions in the wake of Fortuyn's murder.

Karel Dillen, from Flemish party Vlaams Blok, said: 'We believe it is the work of God to protect us.'

Officials at the European Parliament say they have no plans to tighten security, despite ugly scenes at the Brussels assembly a fortnight ago when 73-year-old Le Pen tried to hold a press conference.

The event was called off amid scuffles between journalists and protestors, many of them parliamentary staff, demonstrating against the controversial French MEP.

Parliament spokesman David Harley said he did not consider it necessary to alter existing security arrangements in Brussels and Strasbourg, but added they were 'permanently under review'.

He pointed out that security at the two Parliamentary buildings, which attract up to 500,000 visitors a year, had already been stepped up following the 11 September terror attacks on the US.

Under new procedures visitors and members of the public cannot enter the buildings unless they have an invitation from either a political group or MEP. They must also be accompanied at all times.

News of Fortuyn's murder caused shock waves across Europe. A charismatic figure with outspoken views on Islam and immigration, he died after being shot six times in a radio station car park in the Amsterdam suburb of Hilversum.

Fortuyn was a close ally of Vlaams Blok leader Filip Dewinter, but distanced himself from other European far-right figures such as Le Pen and Italy's Umberto Bossi.

EU leaders and MEPs united in condemning his murder.

Dutch Commissioner Frits Bolkestein said: 'This is a tragic event and an attack on democracy. I am profoundly shocked.'

EU foreign policy supremo Javier Solana said of Fortuyn, who was profiled in last week's European Voice: 'You may disagree with the ideas but democracy is true to freedom of expression - everyone has to express ideas.'

Pat Cox, president of the European Parliament, 'unreservedly' condemned the killing and voiced 'solidarity' with the Dutch people.

Max van den Berg, leader of the Dutch Socialist MEPs, said: 'We condemn violence as a means of political strategy whether it comes from the right or left.'

Group leader Spaniard Enrique BarĂ³n Crespo added: 'As one who knows only too well the effects of political assassinations in my own country, I am deeply shocked at such criminal behaviour in a country known throughout the entire world for its tolerance and open society.'

Dutch MEP Michiel van Hulten said he was 'deeply shocked' and had urged outgoing Prime Minister Wim Kok to postpone the country's general election. However, after discussing the issue with party leaders and Fortuyn's family, Kok said the poll would take place next Wednesday (15 May).

A 32-year-old man was due to appear in an Amsterdam court today (8 May), charged with Fortuyn's murder.

The suspect was named as Volkert van der Graaf, from Harderwijk in the heart of the Netherlands.

Former MEP Jim Janssen van Raaij, number three on the Fortuyn electoral list, described van der Graaf as an animal rights and green activist.

Reaction in the European Union to the assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn on 6 May 2002.

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