Fact Sheets on the European Union. 12th edition [2009]

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-823-2469-1
EC BA-AA-08-001-EN-C
Content Type ,

This 2009 edition of the Fact Sheets is the 12th since the publication was created in 1979 for the European Parliament's first direct elections. As in the previous ones, this edition tries to fulfil the original purpose of the Fact Sheets: to provide non-specialists with a general view of the process of European integration. The 165 Fact Sheets are an excellent introductory source for information on the Institutions and policies of the EU. They cover six main areas:

+ How the European Union works
+ Citizens’ Europe
+ The internal market
+ Common policies
+ Economic and monetary union
+ The EU’s external relations

While a pdf verson of the Fact Sheets can be downloaded it is preferable to either use the paper version of this source, or connect to the html version which is accessible through the related url hyperlink.

Source Link http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/fact-sheets-on-the-european-union-pbBAAA08001/
Related Links
European Parliament: Fact Sheets on the European Union http://www.europarl.europa.eu/aboutparliament/en/displayFtu.html

Subject Categories ,
Countries / Regions