Evidence-based methodologies for public health: How to assess the best available evidence when time is limited and there is lack of sound evidence

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-9193-311-2
Content Type

This report addresses the question of giving scientific advice under uncertainties, in complex situations and often at short notice. Targeted at policymakers and public health professionals, the report explores how the best methods of classical epidemiology can be matched and possibly merged with the methodologies developed in evidence-based medicine (EBM) to give a new blend, an evidence-based methodology for infectious disease prevention and control.

Source Link http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/Publications/1109_TER_evidence_based_methods_for_public_health.pdf
Related Links
ECDC: News, 8.9.11: New ECDC report explores how methods of evidence-based medicine can be applied in the field of infectious diseases http://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/press/news/Lists/News/ECDC_DispForm.aspx?List=32e43ee8%2De230%2D4424%2Da783%2D85742124029a&ID=482&RootFolder=%2Fen%2Fpress%2Fnews%2FLists%2FNews

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