Evaluation of two programmes using Nordic Centres of Excellence: The Programme on Food, Nutrition and Health and the Programme on Welfare Research

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Details NordFosk Policy Paper 4 - 2014
Publication Date June 2014
ISSN 1504-8640
Content Type

This evaluation concerns two research programmes using Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) as financing instrument:

+ Food, Nutrition and Health, three centres

+ Welfare Research, two centres

The evaluation of the two programmes covers the period from their start to their final activities in 2013. The overall purpose of the evaluation of the two NCoE programmes has been to analyse the added value achieved based on the original objectives of the programmes. In addition, the analysis concerns how the NCoE programmes have developed in the course of their programme period.

Source Link http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:726951/FULLTEXT01.pdf
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