Eurozone economy falls deeper into recession

Series Title
Series Details 14.02.13
Publication Date 14/02/2013
Content Type

EurActiv reported that the eurozone slipped deeper into recession in the last three months of 2012 after its largest economies, Germany and France, shrank markedly at the end of 2012. It marked the currency bloc's first full year in which no quarter produced growth, extending back to 1995.

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Related Links
BBC News, 14.02.13: Eurozone recession deepened at end of 2012
Eurostat: Press Release, STAT/13/24: Flash estimate for the fourth quarter of 2012 Euro area GDP down by 0.6% and EU27 down by 0.5% -0.9% and -0.6% respectively compared with the fourth quarter of 2011

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions