Europe’s demographic future. Facts and figures on challenges and opportunities

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-07043-3
EC KE-80-07-123-EN-C
Content Type ,


Demographic change is high on the European policy agenda and, indeed, Europe has to brace itself for profound changes in its population structure. During the coming decade, the baby boom cohorts will start retiring from the labour market. Young cohorts entering the labour market will be much smaller as a result of low fertility. In about ten years, total employment in the EU could start to fall, in spite of rising employment rates. Europe's potential growth rate could decline at a time when significant additional resources will be required to meet the needs of an increasing number of elderly people for whom adequate pensions and health and long-term care provision will have to be secured.

The aim of this report is to present the main facts and figures that underpin the debate on Europe's demographic future and appropriate policy responses. It starts by presenting the main drivers of demographic change – fertility, life expectancy and migration – and puts these into a long-term and global perspective. Another chapter discusses the economic impact of ageing and the effect this will have on future living conditions in Europe.

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