‘European Voice’ tops MORI opinion poll

Series Title
Series Details 24/04/97, Volume 3, Number 16
Publication Date 24/04/1997
Content Type

Date: 24/04/1997

EUROPEAN Voice is going from strength to strength.

A new independent survey by the respected polling organisation MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) shows it is now read by more MEPs than any other weekly newspaper in Europe.

The survey of Euro MPs' reading habits shows that, on average, each issue of European Voice is read by more than one-third of them (36&percent;), 6&percent; more than its closest rival.

The poll also reveals that our average readership per issue is above that of most popular European quality daily newspapers and shares the top spot with Europe's leading daily.

The consistently high quality of European Voice's coverage of EU affairs is reflected in the fact that it also enjoys the most loyal readership of any title, with nearly one in four MEPs (23&percent;) saying they “almost always read” us.

The survey, based on face-to-face interviews with 117 Euro MPs from across the 15 member states, shows that European Voice is also seen as a far more credible source of information about

EU affairs than any other weekly newspaper, with 24&percent; describing it as the “most” credible source.

It also reveals that two-thirds of MEPs regard articles in the press as the most important source of information about the activities of companies and business associations.

The survey demonstrates, once again, that European Voice has become essential reading for policy-makers within the EU institutions and in member states and for those outside who seek to influence the decision-making process.

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