Author (Corporate) | Cardiff EDC (Compiler) |
Publication Date | 2020 |
Content Type | Overview |
Summary: Reports and analyses relating to the replacement of Operation Sophia in the Mediterranean Sea by a new operation focusing on the Libyan civil war. Further information: EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia was originally launched on 22 June 2015. The operation's core mandate is to contribute to the European Union's work to disrupt the business model of migrant smugglers and human traffickers in the Southern Central Mediterranean. However, the deployment of naval assets was suspended in March 2019 due to disagreements among Member States of the European Union (EU) regarding disembarkation of migrants. Tha suspension was extended in September 2019. The idea on replacing Operation Sophia with another operation emerged more consistently as international stakeholders attempted to find a solution to bring Libya's civil war to an end. The International Conference on Libya on 19 January 2020 agreed on the imposition of an arms embargo. The Council of the European Union discussed on the next day the possibility of refocusing the EU's naval mission in the Mediterranean to support that embargo, (which was later made official by the UN Security Council). On 17 February, the Council adopted a political agreement to launch a new operation in the Mediterranean Sea, primarily aimed at implementing the arms embargo. Its secondary tasks included fighting the organised crime responsible for migration, and training the Libyan coast guard and navy. Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/472 was adopted by the Council of the European Union on 31 March on the establishment of a new Operation, named EUNAVFOR MED IRINI. It was also decided that Operation Sophia was to permanently cease its activities. New Force Commanders were appointed on 28 May 2020. |
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Subject Categories | Security and Defence |
Subject Tags | EU Operations, Wars | Conflicts |
Keywords | EUNAVFOR MED | Operation Sophia, Libyan Civil War (2014-), Weapons | Arms | Armaments |
Countries / Regions | Libya |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |