European Union international trade in services – analytical aspects – data 1997-2005. 2007 edition

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-05055-8
ISSN 1725-4477
EC KS-EB-07-001-EN-N
Content Type

This publication provides you with the most recent and comparable statistics of the EU-15, the EU-25, Norway, the USA and Japan on annual international transactions in services. It concerns EU international transactions in services between 1997 and 2005, and is divided into two parts. The first part is analytical and gives the most recent portrait of European Union (EU-25, EU-15) international transactions. It highlights the main trends of EU trade in services in 2005 and underlines the results of the EU with its main partner zones. The second part presents statistics on international trade in services of the EU-25 and EU-15 with partner World, Extra-EU-25/EU-15, Intra-EU-25/EU-15, Canada, the United States and Japan, for the main services items and 44 items of internationally tradable services. The period covered is from 1997 to 2005. Statistics are also available for 2005 on the geographical breakdown (in relation to 50 countries and partner zones and 17 items) of services of the EU-25, the EU-15, Norway, the United States and Japan.

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