European Union enlargement. Big brother is still watching

Series Title
Series Details No.8349, 8.11.03
Publication Date 08/11/2003
Content Type ,

Date: 08/11/03

Prospective members get their knuckles rapped

IF THE ten countries due to join the European Union in May 2004 thought it was all over when they signed their accession treaties last April, they have been rudely awakened. For years they jumped through hoops at Brussels's behest. On November 5th the European Commission issued a sharp reminder that they cannot afford to relax, when it issued a new series of reports consisting of long “to do” lists - and pointing out that countries could lose cash and even market access if they do not shape up.

Three further candidates were also told what they need to do to join. Bulgaria and Romania were both criticised for corruption and failure to implement administrative reforms. Romania was told that it was still not a “functioning market economy”. And Turkey, which has yet to receive the go-ahead even to begin negotiations, was dismayed that the commission linked its membership to a settlement of the Cyprus dispute.

Among the ten new members, Poland, by far the biggest, also got the most black marks. The commission identified no fewer than nine areas of “serious concern”, where it feels that Poland has yet to live up to its treaty commitments. The Poles (with five other miscreants) are chastised for failing to introduce “minimum training requirements” for several professions, including health-care workers. This, the commission says, could threaten their prospects of working in the rest of the EU.

Polish agriculture also comes in for a bashing: controls on the movement of live animals, animal waste, food processing and the spread of disease are all deemed inadequate. This, the commission says, could lead to “restrictions on the production and marketing of (Polish) products.” Computer systems and legal procedures for handling EU money are also found wanting, which could delay longed-for cash from Brussels.

All this comes at a sensitive time in relations between Poland and the EU. After the initial euphoria that followed the end of negotiations and Polish voters' approval of membership in a referendum, things have gone downhill. The Polish government and parliament have both sworn to strike out provisions in the draft EU constitution that would dilute Poland's voting weight in the Council of Ministers. But they appear all but isolated. Combine a disagreeable new constitution with threats to bar Polish goods and professionals, and to delay EU cash: Poland may enter the Union next May in a seriously bad mood.

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